Sunday, July 22, 2012

Button, button, who's got the button?

I've got the buttons.  Lots of them.  I've been working flat out for the past couple of months building inventory for my very first show, a Knitters Festival.  After that, I'm doing a Fleece Festival.  In both shows I will be selling my shawl pins, buttons and knitting-themed jewelry.  I've also been creating a booth for the shows, making tables and table coverings, making pegboards, and buying grid walls, lamps and other accessories for the booth.  So these are my excuses for not blogging for over a month!

Here are some photos of my booth.  It is set up in my basement so the backgrounds are a bit messy.
Tall revolving Pegboard with bags of buttons.

Big buttons in containers and square buttons on the pegboard.  An Ott Lite for color matching.

The big buttons

Table with shawl pins

Examples of using the shawl pins hanging on the grid wall.
An attempt to get around the "But I don't have a shawl" problem.
My homemade fitted table covering.  I made three of these.


  1. Thanks, Beth. I'm excited and scared all at the same time.

  2. Looking good Cynthia. Ohhh -- on your sign at the end -- don't forget to mention you can wear them in your hair! I sell quite a few for that reason alone. Good luck in your show! I'm sure it will go well. You look well organized!


  3. 'Looks like you are ready to sell! Very nice booth, table covers and fabulous products.
    Penni Jo
